2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School (Aug 22, 2011)

It's that time of year again! Except this time around, I have one in Junior High. I have been needlessly stressing over Jr High for years now. Much to my relief, it is nothing like I had feared it would be! Will absolutely loves Jr High! For the first week, he was waking up at 5:30 am because he was so excited for school!

Will had to beg me to let him get these neon shoes. I thought for sure kids would make fun of him for them, but nope, nobody cares. Will started the clarinet this year. He really wants to play the saxophone, but the teacher is requiring one year of clarinet first. He seems to enjoy it and is picking it up fairly fast. So far we have all straight A's. Good job Will!

Tyler is in 5th grade this year! This is his first year alone in elementary without Will. Tyler has his cousin Toby in his class again this year. That always makes me happy that Tyler has a good friend in his class with him. We are hoping for a good year!

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