2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011 Chess State Championship and Will scouts (March 19, 2011)

Will and Tyler at the end of year chess state championship. It was held at the University of Utah, so we had to get up early in the morning. It was an all day event. The boys had fun and I had fun sitting with my brother Kylie at the 4th grade table keeping track of who won and lost. Kylie made my day go by much faster and made it enjoyable. 

I am glad I have a good relationship with my brother Kylie and his family. Kylie and Clara have been helping Will earn his Eagle Scout Badge. They have been absolutely amazing! We would not be doing anywhere near as well without their help. This week Kylie and Mitch went with me and Will to a community council for his Citizenship of the Community badge. It was much more enjoyable going with Kylie. Although, we probably made fun of the lady who was trying to blame the city for her bad parenting a little too loudly. I am pretty sure she heard us, well I'm pretty sure everybody in the room heard us. It was fun though. 

Will and I just finished our 8 hours community service for his Citizenship of the Community badge. Those 8 hours were long hours, but I got to spend a lot of quality alone time with Will. It was nice working by his side. He did a great job and all the managers loved him! Will is working on all three of the Citizenship badges right now. For anybody who has earned these badges, they will know how hard that is. I am proud at how hard he working to accomplish these badges.

We went to the state capitol for Will's Citizenship in the Nation badge. That was fun as well. Somebody else in our tour group asked if we could go under the capitol to see the things put in place to save the historical building in an earthquake. I taught the boys that sometimes it pays to ask. The tour guy asked us how much extra we had and then took us to see it. It was really neat. 

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