2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tabernacle Choir with David Archuleta (Dec 19, 2010)

My parents won tickets to the Tabernacle Choir with David Archuleta and invited Dave and me along. It was held at the church conference center. They gave away more tickets than they had seats for. Apparently it is normal on most events, for everybody not to show up. To compensate, they hand out more tickets than they have seats for. For this show everybody turned up, all 21,000 of us and then some.With everybody showing up, that left several hundred people (that had tickets), that couldn't get in to the show. I am glad we showed up early enough to get a seat (thanks Dad). I'm also glad my Dave found us a semi close parking spot. I wore my adorable 5" heel boots, so my feet were killing me by time the night was over! The price we pay for cute shoes.

The concert was great! David can really sing, it was very enjoyable to see him in person and hear his voice. He was nervous and had trouble reading the prompt they had for him on a huge monitor! This is my first Mormon Tabernacle concert to attend and I enjoyed it a lot! The choir was wonderful, the stage looked amazing! I would show pictures, but they don't allow you to take any. It was a great remembrance of why we really celebrate Christmas, for our Savior.

My favorite part of the entire event was when the Prophet, President Monson showed up with his wife. The room of 21,000 people immediate got silent and stood out of respect for our beloved prophet. He brings the spirit with him where ever he goes. We stayed long enough after the program to watch him leave with his wife. He stopped just inside the door and waved to all us who remained. It makes me wish I lived in the time of the Prophet Joseph Smith, where he lived among the saints and they got to see him and interact with him on a personal basis.

I love my Savior, I love our church. Thank you Mom and Dad for a great night and a memory that I will always have.