2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Christmas Eve & Christmas day (Dec 24th & 25th, 2012)

The night before Christmas, Will with Tasha
Dave holding blu
Tyler snuggling in is blanket
Christmas Day!! Good morning boys, who woke us up nice and early!
Will with his pile of gifts
Tyler with his pile of gifts
Dave, barely awake
Blu eating a bow on Dave's head
Tyler with his opened presents
Will with his opened gifts
My gifts
Grandpa Roos opening his present
Becca, Ricky, Max, Jenny, Michelle, Ben, Bella, Chris at Grandma Roos'
Grandma Roos with Tyler

Our Family Christmas Party (Dec 22, 2012)

 It's always fun when we get together as family, but especially fun when it's Christmas time. The kids make it extra fun.

 Kaylyn, Keenan, Kiersten & Kanyon
 Mariana, Kaylyn & Keenan
 Jason & Marcy
 Dave & Blu
 Will & Kanyon
Mariana & Kanyon

Will piano recital (Dec 15, 2012)

Will's Christmas piano recital. Will is 13 years old, in 8th grade. He does a great job on the piano! I love to listen to him play at home.

Tyler Christmas Band Concert (Dec 13, 2012)

Here is a picture of Tyler and Toby for E.G. King 's Christmas choir concert. Tyler loves going to the same school as his cousin. They have had every class together so far except 1. Their personalities are night and day, but it works well for them.

 Tyler & Toby, nice face Tyler

Tyler and Toby are in the middle left, Will is a blue shirt toward the top right, the invited past year students to join them on stage

Will, Blu and Mariana reading together (Nov 2012)

 Mariana and Will reading together
 The cutest granddaughter ever!
Mariana, Will & Blu

I love my entire family! I'm happy to see them reading together.

Proof that Blu loves Dave (Nov 23, 2012)

Blu has decided that Daddy is his favorite person. If anybody else has Blu when Dad gets home, he leaves us immediately to hunt down Dad. This night, Blu crawled up into Dave's hand and fell asleep. Ahhhh, cute!

Fall fun in the leaves (Nov 21, 2012)

Will and Mariana had fun playing in the leaves. Will does a really good job keeping her entertained!

Tyler choir concert (Nov 11, 2012)

Several school met together to have a concert. Our school by far had the most kids! Tyler was really cute, he would barely open his lips to sing. I'm still not sure he actually was singing. Tyler signed up for choir next year for 7th grade, I 'm glad, I like going to their performances.

 Tyler is on the top row, in the middle, the one with his hand over his forehead
 The choir dancing
What a cute looking kid!

The end of Twilight (Nov 16, 2012)

My sister's and I decided to end the last of our Twilight movies with a bang. We actually paid the $60 to have the dinner party before the last Breaking Dawn movie started. I am so glad we did! We had so much fun! The memories of that night with my sisters is worth the money.

 Here is a picture of everything we got that night

 I love my cute little soup bowl. The dinner was actually pretty good.
 A big group of strangers all out to share their love of Twilight, it was a fun group
 Me & Becca, late at night
 Michelle & Becca found the tree for our scavenger hunt
 Becca & Michelle at our dinner
Our names on the wall of fame

I love my pretty front yard (Fall 2012, Winter 2013)

Winter or fall, I love my pretty front yard! Sometimes my front yard seems like a lot of work, with all the bushes and keeping the weeds out. But it can be really pretty and work all the work!